
What is a Roughneck?

While the term roughneck is sometimes used for anyone in a position demanding hard labor (often in dangerous conditions) most often it refers to the brave souls who work on an oil drilling rig.

This job is as tough as the men who do the work, but there are several advantages to employment in this industry.

  1. Job Security - The world relies on oil.  In spite of all the talk about global warming and green energy oil remains the only viable option to run our cars, heat our homes, power our laptops and run the factories that build everything we use.  If you are a good worker and are lucky enough to land a job as a roughneck you will never have to look for work again.
  2. Payday - Because of the dangerous nature of this work starting pay for many roughnecks can be close to $60,000 a year plus benefits.  There aren't a lot of jobs where people with no experience can earn this much money right out of the gate.  This is why applying for jobs as a roughneck is so competitive and frustrating.
  3. Friendships - On the oil rigs you look out for one another and the guys you work alongside will quickly become some of your best friends in the world.  The bonds you form with these men will last a lifetime.